Sunday, November 13, 2011

My personal take on Ra.One movie

I saw this movie RA One couple of days back and before I proceed let me put in few words. I truly like SRK, his work and personality. But I am not a blind fan. There have been many movies where I too have felt like many others that he could have done better or have not felt that magic. But this movie was somehow so special.

With all the marketing strategies for this movie by SRK, the one last thing u would want to read in this world is a review from me. But I am sorry to say guys; oops! This is indeed a review. Hence, before u read any further let me pre warn u, so that u could opt out of reading this and not feel like strangling me 

I just totally enjoyed the movie from the beginning. I was neither bored nor distracted till the end. Lots of people complained that the first 10 minutes was extremely shallow but hey , if u can recollect it was a small boy’s dream and so as adults let’s just excuse the digitals and the graphics here 
The proverbs used in the movie (quoted from V Shantaram) were so good!). These days with the movies showing drinking, rash driving, broken relationships and so much negativity, I felt this was such a big relief  , even for the the older people to get into the groove of the good - old age proverbs(and not just the kids alone !). The famous quote “Burai sang jo mel rachaya, phir kabhi naa chhute uska saaya...” (If you join the forces of evil, there is no turning around...).. Is superb!. I loved this one too “Haan. Farishtey Hote Hain”( Yes, angels do exist) and many such more …

I am not publicizing the movie and that is not my intention. To watch / not to watch a movie is a personal choice. But I loved the positivity in the movie … I loved the scene where the father Srk tries to become super hero in the eyes of his son . He just wants to impress his son so badly, and that was so cute. Even when he knew that RA one (the villain) would kill him the next moment, he admits that he is “Lucifer” (so that Ra one would not hurt his son and kill him instead!). The movie epitomizes the strong uncorrupted love of a doting father to his son .A love so incomparable and out of this world which only our parents can bestow on us and is irreplaceable. To have been blessed with such pure love from parents is truly a blessing and a gift from God.

I also loved the scene where the son says in the end that “my father would have never let the evil win” (even though the video game was designed in such a way that villain wins the game ). Somehow the son was so sure that his dad being such a nice human being would never have let the game be in  the hands of  evil.

Apart from parental sentiments, on a commercial note the movie was too entertaining with superb songs and the heroine has done more than good justice with superb acting and scintillating dance moves. The movie on the whole, displays such positive energy and ends on a positive note that I was so happy, when I walked out of the theater. (Of course, as I said previously, this is my personal take on the movie). After watching some bad movies earlier with the typical boy meets gal  types , the big fights in the dance clubs and the gal falling for the guy , the ill effects of drug usage and the guy ending in asylum, the pathetic and humiliating display by the hero , heroin and the crew to bring Hollywood culture into our very own Bollywood masala movies(!!!) , I somehow felt that RA One had a totally new and fresh approach . Such super hero movies have never been experimented in Bollywood before and hence I have to congratulate the entire team for such a big effort. I would also like to add that I had no idea about the movie, not even the story line, though I was aware that Srk has travelled far and wide to spread the message of RA One across. I could totally (in fact very easily) connect to the emotions of a doting father and a growing up son.

To distinguish the good from the bad  and  grow up to be a good super hero is what every father would want to tell their son , holding them close ; and with such strong dialogues and by portraying the roles of G one and prateek(his reel son) justice to those emotions has been done superbly . Somewhere this is what SRK himself (like any other father) would want Aryan (his real son) to be –a true super hero in real life.

Hats of to u Khan for making such a different and positive movie. We do not have many movies in Bollywood where a father can tell his son how much he loves him. It’s been a mother’s world all the while and will surely be for years to come .But the movie –Ra one had the boldness to open the door for a whole new trend in Bollywood world with a different outlook both emotionally as well as technically .

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hope not from Better to Worst !

Some times i wish life was more simple....
We live only to get the simple amenities in life like food . water , shelter , clothing with some inventions..(Ya, ok with me ! :)
Why all this education , then  the job hunt , then take stress , and going round and round in a vicious circle . Like better improvement of life means going to some developed countries , then going away from the folks u know ur kins kiths .. and then again face the competition of live ...Restrictions of moving from one country to another due to visa issues !!! i mean , why cant the world be just one happy place where people dnt even know the meaning of "violence ", and there is peace and peace every where!!!! Ya this is an "Ideal " world and our current world is not even close to ideal !!!

The rich gets richer
Poor becomes more poorer
U open the Newspaper in the morning and see and read only violence and bloodshed , or break up and gossips of film stars (Hell , who cares who they are with !!! ) and then i remember my grandma saying "open your eyes with good thoughts in mind ; now even if u do , reading all this bloodshed bullshits can really in some way cause  adrenalin to raise and trigger negative thoughts at the start of the Day !
Phew !!!!

Where are we actually heading to !!!
100  years from now on .. will our good old earth even  exist ?
Will we go back to the primitive style some day ? So much of progress happening in all the fields , i don't see any "going backwards"
But i wonder how much "MORE" can Man make his life simpler ?
We used to walk , now we have cars , buses , airplanes
We used to talk , then write letters,now emails , twitter , and does today's kids even know that their grandparents used to write letters !!! ya well , they could be learning that in the "History chapters".(But we have some a long way , and WOW!!!, its really good and appreciable . Change and development are really cool ! )

The environmentalists shout each and every day in some corner of the world saying "go green ' and we eat potato chips and say , oh.. so boring , Play some movie instead Its not that we don't care ... but i feel people have not actually given it a thought .. or they feel "What can i do " ?(well , am not doing anything about it either apart from writing this blog , to be frank ..)

We buy grocery and get lots of plastic bags ...And we come back home and just throw them in the bins !!  Where will be heading to in 100 years this way ?We will definitely not live to find out  ..but Our grand children's... I guess they will be surely having the so called "easy life" (Easy is always relative, They may find even airplanes as "Difficult"), so easy with respect to our lives , but then the beauty of nature , the fun childhood, wont they be missing a lot ? Well again "missing " is again relative but they may not even know what they are missing , so i guess it is ok ! Smiles ! Smiles ! :)

So Why do we need so much of inventions . Ok , Now talents have to be appreciated , and yes a green signal to all the inventions .. But there can be a clear "No No " to certain inventions too..?
If the so called "great findings" pose a threat to the environment , or to the human race , then why in the first place are we welcoming them at all ? Why are we we also honouring the people who made them, because it can encourage others to make stuffs like that (I don't know if this makes sense , but i was just thinking ...) !! We can use our skill sets and make cures for illness(say Cancer) but there should be some stopping when these radiations are used for destructive scientific purposes .

We do not need any more of  destructive inventions.When i say destructive i don't "only mean" an atom bomb", i also mean say a plastic bag . Ok we have polluted our Earth enough and all of us are happy with plastic bags . If we cannot use brown bags then at lest lets not waste time and money making bags which are more hazardous than the plastic bags ! from worse to worst(due to competition and industrialisation )??. A way by which we can trap the nature's resources and recycle would be like "ideal" to  preserve our  nature  our Home . We get so angry when some one spoils our home , throw away stuffs which creates bad smell, or even if objects are not rightly in place !And all the techies , does not the Earth and a home have parent child relation ! So if it effects the parent , it will in course of time (ha! thts the catch , so why bother NOW!)..effect our homes . ....Oh ! this will be one of the "most boring " stuff i have written so far .... But i will not say you guys dnt know abt this .. U guys may be even doing a research , but What  i would like to conclude is Even when it comes to technology and even a new inventions there should be someone to say "enough "(else there can never be enough , as human beings are so aspirational !) because you never know that when let out that new "whatever" ...It could be so customized by people around the globe and destroy  Our Parental Home (i mean earth :) )one day ..

Friday, April 29, 2011


I was watching “lost” TV series (an American serial, which won many awards), where a group of strangers get stranded in an island after a plane crash. They don’t know where they are, and they don’t know how long / how many days  it will take for them to be rescued. On top of this, there are issues like water, food and protection from wild beasts etc. . . . They also know before the crash that the plane had lost the contact with the center and so it will be so difficult for the outside world to track them.  The TV series is extremely gripping and thus the story moves on ….

All the while, one thought kept coming to my mind; When are  these guys actually happy? Was it when they got food and water, Well Definitely a big Yes, but that did not make them “Want to live “!.. They still grumbled.. It was just meeting that special someone on the island , making new friends,and the thought of going back to the people they loved which invoked the deep  urge to live and survive on that island .

Be it a lost island or be it in outer space ... Humans are so bounded by the emotions!(Why humans alone !i guess “All” ! ) They need love, care, support and they like to belong to a society and to have friends and to be wanted!!! What kept them going in that long lost island were not just the food and the water and the fact that they were brave; it’s the mere fact that, they all loved one another, found solace in each other. Some of them even met the special someone there and they felt so "wanted". To Love and to be loved is the most essential thing, as important as the food and water and it was just that mere simple fact that "kept them going”

Now in the real world, we don’t stop by  to think  the people whom we "can’t live without"! We just take them for granted. Close your eyes and imagine that all the people u love, your parents, kins.., your spouse, your kids, or friends are just not with u .Shuddering thought rite??? Now imagine the same situation with loads of money, will this make you happy ? Money can or may buy you friends but , genuine friends?, family ? .. Well i guess they are worth than a million gems  !  So at the end of the day, if u have just no one in this world to love, care nor protect  nor people to love and care  u back, it’s the same situation as being stranded on a lost island is it not ?
Respects the people who love u and care for u, and take time, to  show them that you care.
You never know how important they are to u, until they’re gone...
So take time to love and to be loved ...