Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hope not from Better to Worst !

Some times i wish life was more simple....
We live only to get the simple amenities in life like food . water , shelter , clothing with some inventions..(Ya, ok with me ! :)
Why all this education , then  the job hunt , then take stress , and going round and round in a vicious circle . Like better improvement of life means going to some developed countries , then going away from the folks u know ur kins kiths .. and then again face the competition of live ...Restrictions of moving from one country to another due to visa issues !!! i mean , why cant the world be just one happy place where people dnt even know the meaning of "violence ", and there is peace and peace every where!!!! Ya this is an "Ideal " world and our current world is not even close to ideal !!!

The rich gets richer
Poor becomes more poorer
U open the Newspaper in the morning and see and read only violence and bloodshed , or break up and gossips of film stars (Hell , who cares who they are with !!! ) and then i remember my grandma saying "open your eyes with good thoughts in mind ; now even if u do , reading all this bloodshed bullshits can really in some way cause  adrenalin to raise and trigger negative thoughts at the start of the Day !
Phew !!!!

Where are we actually heading to !!!
100  years from now on .. will our good old earth even  exist ?
Will we go back to the primitive style some day ? So much of progress happening in all the fields , i don't see any "going backwards"
But i wonder how much "MORE" can Man make his life simpler ?
We used to walk , now we have cars , buses , airplanes
We used to talk , then write letters,now emails , twitter , and does today's kids even know that their grandparents used to write letters !!! ya well , they could be learning that in the "History chapters".(But we have some a long way , and WOW!!!, its really good and appreciable . Change and development are really cool ! )

The environmentalists shout each and every day in some corner of the world saying "go green ' and we eat potato chips and say , oh.. so boring , Play some movie instead Its not that we don't care ... but i feel people have not actually given it a thought .. or they feel "What can i do " ?(well , am not doing anything about it either apart from writing this blog , to be frank ..)

We buy grocery and get lots of plastic bags ...And we come back home and just throw them in the bins !!  Where will be heading to in 100 years this way ?We will definitely not live to find out  ..but Our grand children's... I guess they will be surely having the so called "easy life" (Easy is always relative, They may find even airplanes as "Difficult"), so easy with respect to our lives , but then the beauty of nature , the fun childhood, wont they be missing a lot ? Well again "missing " is again relative but they may not even know what they are missing , so i guess it is ok ! Smiles ! Smiles ! :)

So Why do we need so much of inventions . Ok , Now talents have to be appreciated , and yes a green signal to all the inventions .. But there can be a clear "No No " to certain inventions too..?
If the so called "great findings" pose a threat to the environment , or to the human race , then why in the first place are we welcoming them at all ? Why are we we also honouring the people who made them, because it can encourage others to make stuffs like that (I don't know if this makes sense , but i was just thinking ...) !! We can use our skill sets and make cures for illness(say Cancer) but there should be some stopping when these radiations are used for destructive scientific purposes .

We do not need any more of  destructive inventions.When i say destructive i don't "only mean" an atom bomb", i also mean say a plastic bag . Ok we have polluted our Earth enough and all of us are happy with plastic bags . If we cannot use brown bags then at lest lets not waste time and money making bags which are more hazardous than the plastic bags ! from worse to worst(due to competition and industrialisation )??. A way by which we can trap the nature's resources and recycle would be like "ideal" to  preserve our  nature  our Home . We get so angry when some one spoils our home , throw away stuffs which creates bad smell, or even if objects are not rightly in place !And all the techies , does not the Earth and a home have parent child relation ! So if it effects the parent , it will in course of time (ha! thts the catch , so why bother NOW!)..effect our homes . ....Oh ! this will be one of the "most boring " stuff i have written so far .... But i will not say you guys dnt know abt this .. U guys may be even doing a research , but What  i would like to conclude is Even when it comes to technology and even a new inventions there should be someone to say "enough "(else there can never be enough , as human beings are so aspirational !) because you never know that when let out that new "whatever" ...It could be so customized by people around the globe and destroy  Our Parental Home (i mean earth :) )one day ..