Saturday, April 20, 2013

The so called funda of "Life" : Negative angle

As I walk in the road called " life "

I realize .. Family friends are in some way extrapolation of our life , created by us based on needs and passions..

In reality , everyone is alone ....

When you were born you were alone and when you die you will die alone ...

The path between life and death is a strike where we need to fight and fight to keep living ..

Your so called parents cannot guide you all the time and  its rather unfair to rely on them ..

Your so called spouse have enough pressures in life to actually pamper and love you..

Your so called sibling is fighting his or her own battle and some where forgets that you both came from the same " place "..

Your so called friends are busy making a nest of their own ...

Your children depend on you and by the time you can depend on them , they are long gone ..

So in reality ... You are basically alone and from start to finish its yours and your battle only ..

People come and go in your life but in the end it just matters how much you , just "YOU" lived your life ..

Your laughs your sorrows your worries and anxieties are just your own ..No one actually cares a damn or can even understand you ! Even if they understand you , what can they do after all to help you ?

You don't ove the world anything ..
You have to just fight till the end to live or rather survice  and if you are lucky and the circumstances made you a good person , congrats ! you have a place in heaven , else the "hell " is all yours !Well dont worry , be it heaven or hell , there will be loads of people with you to party  !   Or as per hindu religion , be a good human so that you can get a better life in your next "life" !Well , so dont loose hope ! there is this "next life " to look forward to , in case you messed up this one !!