Monday, December 29, 2014

A peaceful relaxing vacation in Bay Area with friends


The last couple of days have been awesome and as year of 2014 is coming to a close I feel that I deserve this time off and just be happy and merry for just no particular reason.
This year 2014 did not start so great for me. I was grumpy and moody and I had lots of valid reasons for that too. Of course it was much better off than 2013, so am not complaining much. Still lots of things happened in 2014 and it will be always a very special year for us.

I was wondering how this year end up would when a couple friends decided that they will stay over for about a week and just go around the bay area. To add to that delight was a sudden self-invited guest who was a bachelor. I felt as if Santa Claus was coming to my home as it was a big surprise for us .So thus began our so called happy holidays which were a blessing for us because we never planned any for ourselves , otherwise.

So the couple friend reached late evening though they were planning to come to our home around lunch time. Also, we picked up the bachelor guy from the airport and so the more the merrier ….
I had prepared only vegetarian food and later felt that was such a bad choice as they happened to be pure non vegetarians! Anyways, later we did order lots of non-veg food and had a good late night dinner enjoying both veg as well as non-veg food along with some good booze .

The next day being the Christmas Eve, we decided that we shall go see the Napa valley. We started from home early and Napa was only about 2 hours’ drive from the starting point. The weather was so beautiful.  We played the game ‘Guess who “ on our way which was a game were one person has to guess a person and the others had to find out who that person in about 20 questions …it was so much fun and we didn’t realize how quickly we reached the destination . We went straight to a place called “Calistoga “and went to the castle there. We didn’t take any tour as none of us were in a mood for it. But we were all so excited to taste the wine. I too tasted wine I guess for the first time in my life! Of course I had sipped wine before but was never so fond of it. I thought I should not miss the opportunity to taste the Napa valley wine and oh boy! It was magical … I don’t know if it was because of my first time feeling tipsy, ha! But altogether the whole experience made me so happy! We tasted reserve wine along with the normal ones. I enjoyed the sweet wine a lot though I don’t remember the names of any of them now … The guy who served us was so graceful and kept telling us how it was made etc. , and I was so impressed with his knowledge . I was happy that all the sweetness of wine is not by adding any artificial sugar but from the gapes itself .I asked him for suggestions as to which are the wines I needed to try first and the sequence of checking out the wine list so that  I could enjoy the taste the most. I figured out that I enjoyed the sweet wines the best! And H seemed to enjoy a strong taste, better. He asked us if we were a couple and married and we said yes. Immediately he said that soon we will be blessed with a child! I didn’t know what to say! I was so touched by his statement. I was so over the board with happiness and got slightly emotional that I blabbered and muttered something like “thanks “, “ I hope your words come true “ I wanted to say something like “ I hope you have sugar in your mouth “( there is a saying in another language which meant something like –“I hope your words are true “, and I was just trying the raw translation, how stupid !, I guess I got so excited )  , I started the statement and later on realized that I was not making any sense , and kept quiet feeling slightly foolish and the guy would have wondered why this silly girl is gleaming  with his comment !!!! Ha... but I was indeed happy … We were all pondering as to whether we should buy any wine or not as they were so expensive crossing 80 dollars/ wine. Of course they were too good and I felt the price is reasonable but all of us opted out, finally. Also the others were little concerned as to how they will carry wines in flight and will it break etc. etc... I have definitely vouched myself that I will come back soon and will buy some wine and enjoy the taste of Napa from the comforts of the sofa at my home …. I hope that day comes soon.

I don’t know what to write about Napa … everything is so beautiful... it’s like a country side I have never visited but have seen many a times in movies... Food is expensive; hence we didn’t do any proper dining. We found a Nepalese restaurant, and decided to try out their food. The food is very similar to Indian food. We ordered garlic naan, along with mutton and chicken curry. Along with that we ate some rice and everything was simply delicious. It was slightly expensive, but thought may be that should be expected in Napa considering that it is such a tourist destination. We wanted to try out another wine place but it was getting close to 5 pm and it was Christmas Eve, so all the shops were closed. We did travel down to another place and found that place closed... Anyways having decided that we should now head back home , we bid  bye’s to Napa and its serenity and started our “guess who “ game which we continued till we reached home . The guys went to pick aapam and lots of non-veg curry from apakadai , and the taste was just out of the world! … They went on to make it a party happening night with drinks while I was so exhausted that I slept after dinner... I slept off in the car too and I wonder now if it was due to the tasty wine or the sumptuous food we had in the Nepali hotel …
The next day we got up slightly late. It was Christmas day and we knew that all the restaurants were closed. We had some bananas as breakfast and then headed out to see SFO down town. We saw the golden gate from marinas, but it was dark, so we couldn’t take lots of pictures. We just drove around SFO downtown but there was too much traffic by night we decided to wind the day getting some food again from apakadai and had a nice relaxing dinner. We went to sleep little early as we were planning to go to Yosemite the next day ….

We got up early and rented an SUV. We played the “Guess who “game and stopped along the way for food and coffee.

We didn’t go to the Yosemite lodge directly. We had only planned to reach there by night. We entered Yosemite from the west entrance, and saw the bridal vein fall first. We stopped to take lots of pics...We went to the nearby visitor center and collected information as to the places we could see that day. The guide told us that we could see the half dome during sun set. It was such a breath taking view that I have no words to describe. I thank the guide who gave such an excellent suggestion. We winded up that day’s trip going to the cedar lodge in el portal. There were restaurant nearby and we ordered some sandwiches. The food was not that great and they delayed the food over 2 hours!!! Not just us but all the people in that place were waiting to get food .Finally when the food came it was not that warm. I think their oven or microwave had gone bad. I saw lots of people shouting at the chef, though we quietly ate and decided to head back to the room. We have seen poor reviews of the lodge and didn’t know what to expect but we were pleasantly surprised! The room was neat and clean, had continues supply of hot water, had a lavish big bath room, tub as well as shower (I think we had paid little extra to get this room)…We watched TV for some time, and boys ended up together drinking and chatting. The next day morning we saw the Yosemite tunnel view and it was extremely serene and beautiful. I loved the drive to mariposa grove. It was snowy and slippery, but thankfully had no rains that day...The snow made it difficult to walk and heavy winds slashed our faces. In spite of the freezing cold weather, I still enjoyed the walk up to the top to see lots of points on the mariposa grove. I feel this is a must see if you are going to Yosemite...We headed back after that and stopped somewhere near by to have some snacks like bread and coffee. After that we resumed our journey and took food from paradise point. We ordered 2 chicken biryani and 2 mutton biryani and ordered it extra hot. Though we went red with the spice drank gallons of water to control the spice in the mouth, the food tasted great after such a tiring day.

The next day the couple friend had to go back to Los Angeles and from there to San Diego. We started our morning with food from Madurai idly kadai, which is a best way to start any day with awesome south Indian breakfast. We took the US 1 and went to see the pebble beach. Though we didn’t get to see the pebble beach as there was some confusion about the road, we enjoyed the other beach points...We took the 17 mile drive and stopped at many points to take pics. We also saw whales from far splashing water into the ocean which was a surprise sight for us and of course unexpected. The day was bright and sunny though cold... After that we headed to Big Sur. I had been to Big Sur before but somehow this time it felt more beautiful. We stopped to take pics and were swamped with tourists. We decided to travel with the couple friend along with the bachelor friend (in our car), to see the Hurst castle. It was beginning to get dark and the winding roads made it difficult to drive faster. Also the speed limit restrictions, made us move very slowly. The sun kept going down and I saw a sight which I had never seen live but seen a lot in pics. The sky got the crimson red color. My god! I wish I could stare at it for hours together...Each minute of the sun set, the sky threw different colors as if exhibiting its beauty and I was dumb struck with her beauty. I have seen so many paintings but such a view is to die for! This time around I didn’t bother taking any pics but just enjoyed those rare moments .We had seen a Yosemite movie in the visitor center where we had bought souvenirs. The movie tells us how important it is to preserve the nature and I thank the government and the people for keeping Yosemite so accessible , neat  beautiful and untouched .. Yosemite and Napa valley are a must see if you are coming to the bay area. We didn’t bother going to Hurst castle as we knew that it was dark and we would not be able to see the castle anyways. Both the cars stopped half way (as they were in their car, and we in ours) and we decided to quietly wind up that day’s evening enjoying the setting sun. We said our byes and they headed to Los Angeles and we three headed back home. On our way we decided to find a police station to give back a lost phone which we got from Yosemite.
The next day H dropped our bachelor friend to SFO airport where he was to take a flight to Michigan, H then went to work, and also gave back the lost phone which we could not give the previous night as stations were closed. I hope it reaches the owner. They would be so happy to get it.

This time, my vacation was so different from the ones I usually take...Usually H and I would be enthusiastically zooming the places. This time we decided to take a step back and go with the flow of our friends as they didn’t want a rushed vacation. I would say I like both the types. Both have their own sort of fun.

Anyways, as I wind up the vacation time, I feel so happy and relaxed and so serene... I feel I took a little bit of strength of Yosemite, little bit of calmness from the sunset and little bit of peacefulness from the Napa valley into me. I hope that this stays with me all through the months next year .Nature always reminds us it is supreme and we need to respect and stay calm. Things will take its own course and everything will fall into place in the end. Then why do I always rush and disturb the peace in me?? Peacefulness inside is such a difficult thing to achieve and now that I feel little peaceful I hope I don’t lose it for the next year. I wish the best for myself the next year. I always wish the best for all, forgetting that I need to wish for myself too... This time around let me wish that beautiful things happen next year and I enjoy each and every moment of my peacefulness for now and for ever ….

Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome to Palakkad : things to do list for tourists

My home town is a beautiful place called 'Palakkad'. It is a very laid back village/town which prides itself on lush green paddy fields and lots of history and culture dating back to ages. Growing up there was fun . Getting up at dawn , hovering around my grand mother to see her milk our cow, playing in rain , getting dirty and muddy , listening to chirping birds and so much more It was as if life did not exist beyond that until the real LIFE came !

Palakkad is known for Ayurvedic treatments , which means they use herbs and plants to make medicines and cures even deadly diseases . People come far and wide for this reason and get treated at an affordable cost .'Palakkad fort ' which stands in the center of the town reminds us of the medieval era . There is a quite hill station called 'Neliampathy' which is known for its luscious wild life , waterfalls, paddy fields, long hiking trails and some of the breath taking spots which are to die for . Another beautiful must see place is 'Silent valley National park'' which has wide variety of wild animals and known for its natural beauty .

Some of the must try food items are Idli, Dosa, puttu and kadala curry , kerala style kozhi curry , idiappam and stew. Of course there are many others as well , but the ones I have listed are a must try which will leave you licking your fingers and wanting for more .

Monday, July 21, 2014

A trip to the USA central , east coast

I am back from a 10 day trip to the east coast of USA and what should I say! The trip was fantastic and so much fun... It is always so much when I go to any trip with H because we tend to get very adventurous and walk away the whole trip seeing all the beautiful places a city can give us with the limited time we had .So here I am documenting, even the minute details of the trip and as much as possible so that I can look back at these notes some other time and say wow! What an amazing time we had ….


So it all started in June last week and we had about 12 days in hand. We were thinking about going to Europe but the visa stuffs will take longer than expected. Then we thought of visiting our native but again 10 days is too short a time for that … So we decided that we will tour couple of places in the central and east coast as we have not explored those areas. Initially we had cities like Minnesota, Vancouver etc. but then due to budget issues we had to cut them out... So finally after going back and forth with discussions our itenary went like this 1) Chicago (2 days) 2)Niagara( 2 days) 3)Syracuse (1 day) 4)Washington dc (3 days) 5) new York and jersey (3 days). I think one day would have gone in travel and the time zone difference



So we vacated our apartment on the 28 th of June 2014, and the same day evening we flew to Chicago o hare international airport. This airport is said to be the busiest airport in the world and I should say what a traffic! Flights were waiting in queue to depart and it was a never seen before sight! We stayed in south loop hotel which was close to the city. Chicago is well connected by subways and buses. There was a bus taking us to the city, to the navy pier to be exact, just outside the hotel. So we rented an enterprise car and then we kept the car along with the bags in a parking area which was around 10 dollars per day or something of that sort. Then we headed out to have a hearty breakfast at “Meli cafĂ© and juice bar “.The service was great and the food was awesome. It’s pricey though. We had already booked the “Go card Chicago “tour for 2 days. This is like a hop in and hop off and we can get down anywhere in the attractions and see around 45 places. After having researched in quora and Google, we had come with a certain set of places which we decided that it’s a must see. The best part about this card was “skip a line ‘option. So where ever we went we could just scoop through the crowd and absolutely no waiting. Whenever we hop in and off the bus we either show the card to the driver or swipe the card (I don’t remember exactly what we did now). This go card is activated only after you purchase the card going to their shop. Their shop is located inside the Hilton hotel. We quickly bought the pass, checked their list of places and decided to start our trip J . The first place we stopped was the FIELD MUSEUM. We skipped the line and quickly toured around the museum. There are lots to see in this place as mentioned by lots of people in the web, especially if you like history...They portrayed how people in the olden ages lived, how their house like was, what dress were they wearing, what were the challenges they faced. Some of the artifacts dated from the Stone Age. Inside the museum, there were many places where we need to pay extra and go. I would be honest here. I somehow didn’t find the place appealing and didn’t want to spend lots of time there. Thankfully H agreed with me though he was little irritated that I was pushing him around and showing him the exit path! But we did get an idea on the famous museum. I personally feel it’s a great place to bring kids to actually show them about the history rather than studying from papers.

Near to the museum was located the “ALDER PLANETARIUM”. This place was amazing . It has pictures and superb explanations of how technology has evolved and how we are able to go to the moon and outer space. We were also given free passes to see a quick movie which was a 3d one. The room was made dark (of course!) and that somehow put H and me to sleep. I was trying to be awake for some time but then the time zone and the jet lag kicked in and we snored away to glory! Once the lights were up I did notice few people looking at us and kids gigging at us... he he ... This place is well worth a visit if you like to know about the outer space and is interested in astronomy and science. We also had a chance to experience how it was to be floating with zero gravity. We were made to lie down and push our legs against the wall. I regret doing this because not only did I not experience any zero gravity I ended up having slight back pain as well!

The weather was hot and should I say windy!! No wonder Chicago is called as the windy city!! It annoyed me personally. I had recently cut my hair short and my hair flew here and there! Also it was beginning to give me a head ache!!! The Aquarium was next to the planetarium too, but we decided to pass this as we had seen lots of those in the recent pasts. Our next destination was Chicago 360 or the John Hancock observatory .This project was financed by John Hancock mutual insurance company and hence the name. This tower has 100 floors and over looks Lake Michigan. It’s located in the Michigan Avenue. We could skip the line here as well due to our go Chicago card which was great! The view was amazing. It was extremely sunny but my sun glasses saved the day.

The next place which was on our list was the Willis tower. It’s also known as the Sears tower. It has 103 floors and like Hancock it is a place for many offices and restaurants. The idea originated when Sears group, the largest retailers decided to place all its employees under the same roof. It is said that he got the idea of this architecture when he was out dining with a friend and he was playing with his cigarettes! If you see the building now it’s not a straight tall building but just how a pack of cigarettes in hand would be; one small, one big etc. A recent attraction which started here was the deck view .Sears tower is completely closed from all sides by glass and we wondered what is new here which was different from the John Hancock tower. And then we got the answer J They have started something called as “Tilt “ So we can stand on the glass stand and then the glass will tilt about 45 degrees and you can really see the entire city from an Ariel view . I instantly said No! I had a big fear of heights and I knew I could never do this . H was interested to do this and highly enthusiastic as well but he too backed out as I was not going. I thought it was time to give my fears a break and at least try. Now did I enjoy it?? Well, I can’t say that I was not scared. I think I screamed the loudest but still it was was something which I had never done in my life before and I had to admit that I was not so scared any more. Of course in all these observatory decks they do take the photos and you can buy them if you are interested.

We did not rely on the hop on hop off throughout because waiting for the buses meant that we can’t see many of these places in the two days’ time frame

Chicago is a land of sky scrapers... There are countless tall buildings and Chicago River cuts through the city joining many loops, like south, north. I felt it was planned well and well connected. There were many tourists mostly because it was summer break for kids and amazing weather.

After seeing this, we decided to go and buy the tickets for the architecture lake tour which was highly recommended in the web. The tour is very close to the navy pier. The tour got over by the time we reached there but we did buy the tickets for the next day. We were told that along with navy pier our go card gives free tickets to some other rides in the park (some fast rides, some slow) and to our surprise it was valid till about a week or so. So we decided to just casually stroll along the MILLENIUM PARK. There was some live music and I saw lots of people enjoying and having a good time with kids. This park is amazing and there won’t be any one who would visit Chicago and not take a photo in the park. The history museum is nearby, but we it was closed by that time and we were awfully tired as well.  We heard lots about a very famous pizza from our enterprise car driver on our way from the o hare airport. It’s the GIORDANO’S pizza. We were hungry and tired as we didn’t have our lunch and headed straight to that place. The place was filled with people!!!! I couldn’t imagine that a pizza place could be this much crowded and understood instantly that this has to be the best pizza in the town. We ordered something vegetarian and some appetizer. Appetizer was out of the world. I think it was something related to avocado. Pizza was very heavy. We could not finish it and we had to get that packed for Togo.

After dinner, we went back to the parking lot to collect our car (which was just walkable) and then headed straight to the hotel to check in. As we had not heard about this hotel before, I was really hoping that the place is neat and thankfully it was! The hotel room was larger than we expected it to be and was well maintained .The TV played some friends episode and I thought nothing could have been better to end such a happy day. Of course we were dead tired, but we are used to this kind ofvacations .Our vacations are never too relaxing and our idea was always to see lots of places in the  limited time . I sagree that many people would think our ways as stupid but hey! Everyone has a different meaning of vacation, remember??


As we covered most of the places which were there in our list, we were very relaxed the second day. We got up late and headed out to subway for some brunch. After that we took a bus to the navy pier from outside our hotel. It was just a straight ride to navy pier.

We headed to the architecture river tour. It was extremely sunny and I was feeling so sleepy but the narration was good and you can learn so much as to why and how they constricted such tall buildings. I personally would recommend this tour to anyone who plan to visit Chicago. Of course I did hear tall ship windy was good too, but after having taken a cruise we didn’t want to spend extra money on another cruise. Our go card covers only one cruise for free, so I think we opted the best. We were told the story as to how the whole city got burnt down due to some fire set by a cow kicking a lantern. Within minutes the whole city was burnt down and was one of the US largest disasters of the 19th century .It killed around 300 people and rendered many homeless. It is still known as the “Great Chicago Fire”. At those times most of the buildings were made of wood. After this the city had to be rebuilt and the architects thought of constricting them with steel. Few buildings escaped the fire, one among them is the “Chicago Water Tower “which still stands tall and strong.  I dozed off hearing the story not because it was boring but as it was too sunny and hot and I was still so much jet lagged and tired .

After the tour we headed to the navy pier and saw the whole city from the wheel. There were  also few small and simple rides near by which we did go as it was covered in the go Chicago pass. We also bought some souveniors from the navy pier .

We headed to walk along lake Michigan and it was a beautiful walk starting from the navy pier . Navy pier seems to be the heart of the city with lots of activities , food , drinks, music. There is also a greenhouse glass there and that was such a huge relief from the scorching heat.

It was starting to get dark and cloudy. We were a little slow the second day mainly because we were tired and also as we had seen all the places which we had planned and were feeling happy. We decided to eat in an Indian restaurant which was serving food like subway. You get chapattis wrapped in a mix of curry and vegetables. It was nice and as were enjoying the dinner it started to rain. After a while when rain stopped we headed to the hotel and again saw Friends episode for a while and slept happily thinking what an amazing city Chicago is!  It’s so well connected, busy city which was very well designed and built. It had subways and trains, and our stay was fantastic.

Chicago is also known for its hot dogs, but we forgot to try that out. Well, now that’s for the next trip then J



So the next day morning (though we saw some flood alert the previous day in the TV ), we checked out from the south loop hotel and were on our way to o hare airport to board flight to buffalo Niagara international airport which is in buffalo, new York . We were getting delayed due to some flood which stopped all the vehicles and rerouted the cars and busses to another route. We were stuck in traffic for about 2 hours. We knew that we would miss the flight, so we quickly called and rebooked the next flight. We were supposed to reach o hare at around 9 am and now we would be reaching, there around 11 am or so. As we sat there in the car wondering as to if we were going to miss the next fight at 11 am as well ,  we saw lots of people taking their luggage and walking and lots of people asking for a lift etc . Some how 2 ladies caught my attention from the crowd .One was an indian and another lady was a Mexican . I asked them if they wanted lifts to the airport and they thankfully got it . They both had to travel that day and they were cutting too close with their flight timings. We dropped them at the airport and the Mexican lady offered us the money which we didn’t take of course but we felt so glad that we were able to help them. The Indian lady was so touched and was saying that this looked to her as it was good karma and that we will also be getting help when we wanted. Those words made us happy and we were glad that both of them were able to catch their flights on time as they had no check in baggages.

So we drove to the car drop off place and then were on our way to the buffalo airport and reached buffalo as planned. We also had a plan to see Niagara from the Canadian side as well. So our plan was to see Niagara and spend more time on the Canadian side and then the next day we shall check out the hotel and go see Niagara from the USA side as well. We booked room for a day in Ramada plaza. I did not like this hotel so much. It was not that neat as expected from the standards of Ramada... The bathroom had some dead flies and I felt the front desk people were not that friendly. Anyways, so after getting down from the buffalo airport we took a rental car and I think it was national or hertz. The most funny thing was we took an insurance for any sort of accidents in USA as well as Canada as we were crossing the border and but we didn’t take any road side assistance .What happened without the insurance will soon follow!!! So yes, here we were at the Niagara, Canada and as were driving towards it we could see the water sprayed in the air from far which was the impact of the great fall. We went straight to a subway and had a quick lunch. We didn’t go to the hotel yet to check in and we kept all the things in the car itself. The weather was hot and sunny and you need a sun glass and a hat to get through the crowd and for the heat of course. We had checked in the web few days back as to which tour was the best to see Niagara, There were 2 tours. One was the discovery tour (on the American side) and the adventure tour (from Ontario side). We had decided that we will explore the adventure tour as many people had said good words about it. Before I talk about the adventure pass and Niagara let me write down few things about Niagara, the place. Lots of restaurants and lots of tourists through the year, this city makes money due to this water fall which attracts people from around the world. I saw people of all nationalities there, and couples, kids and older people. Ontario also has a giant wheel and many many attractions which kids will definitely enjoy after they are done sightseeing. We didn’t go to any of those stuffs, because they were fun but they were not unique. Like say a scary monster home or a giant wheel is something which we can get anywhere else too. So we decided to spend the whole day just going with adventure pass. In the night this street of Ontario, near to Niagara was beautifully illuminated and I felt as if I was a small girl on some fair, this is a beautiful place to send time with family and kids. Ok now back to the adventure pass. We took the pass which was valid, I don’t know how many days... But we decided to use it that day itself as we needed to head back to USA and see Niagara from there the next day. Our first visit in the package which we opted was the “horn blower Niagara cruises”. What can I say about this? I was on a world famous cruise and doing something which people dream about – that is seeing the Niagara!!! It’s about 30 mins ride and this is how close we can get to the Niagara. Once we are pretty close I could not even open my eyes as my eyes were dripping wet. I even shuddered at the thought of drowning. Such was the force of the falls that, our boat was shaky and we felt that we may fall off the boat if we do not hold onto something. We were given a red sheet of plaster to cover us so that our clothes won’t get wet. People from the American side also takes this cruise and they will be given the blue coats. I thought that’s a good and easy way to distinguish between the boats. You can see USA just right across and felt proud that the 2 countries share such a close border and such good friendship .After that exciting ride, we decided to venture next onto the “White water walk”. It’s a walk along the Niagara River where we can see the force of the world’s wildest rapids. The rapids were too powerful and the whole placed echoed with their sound. We learnt how Lake Erie travels from USA and falls on the Ontario river. There were articles alongside the walk which talked about the birds and fishes who survive in such a high rapid. These rapids are classified as class 6 which means that it’s too strong that it’s difficult to maneuver any boat in those waters .You will also notice that the water is green in color , not only here but in many places in Niagara and that is due to the minerals it carries .Just standing there and enjoying the rapids felt  amazing and  so peaceful , calm and so close to nature .I understood that day that no matter the type of  camera you have , the beauty of nature can never be completely captured by them . We tried to take pics but were either dark shots due to sunlight or we felt that its beauty was not justified by it .By the way we need to get into that hop on bus of the adventure pass  which is covered free and then reach this place called water walks . It’s near to Niagara but not walking distance.

How can I talk about Niagara and not talk about the rainbow bride. This is the bridge which connects USA and Canada. You can even walk and enjoy the beauty of the falls across that bridge. We didn’t do that as we didn’t get enough time but definitely planned to do it next time. This bridge is rightly named as we were surrounded by rainbows just above the falls almost all the time. The view was spectacular. I tried to capture some of them in my camera but it was nothing compared to the real life experience.

Next we went to see the 4D experience of Niagara. Here they talk little bit about the Niagara origin. It’s more of kids oriented but we enjoyed them anyways. We had water sprinkled on us and water coming on our shoes etc.  , but you can give this a miss if you are not on any package.  We also stopped in the shops nearby to buy some souvenirs.

Our next destination was the “journey behind the falls”. So here we again get to wear coats (this time they gave us yellow color) and we go under a tunnel and get to read about dams. We also read about how people have decided to swim and cross Niagara and lost their lives and later government decided to stop this kind of adventure .There were few success stories too and I had to give it away to a school teacher who managed to cross the waters .There were some like her who succeeded, but majority of them lost their lives .So in this tunnel we pass through all these notes and stories of how dams have been made and the engineering works etc. . We could constantly hear a thundering sound which is the sound of Niagara Falls and we can even see water droplets on the tunnel. The tunnel is pretty cold but as it was summer it’s not unbearable .At the end of the tunnel we are welcomed by Niagara, but from the sides! I saw the people in the horn blower below, taking the ride. That area was windy and full of water mist and spray .It like you feel you walked under the Niagara Falls and now that you are outside you feel how small you are in the hands of nature. And before I forget to mention, the buses which takes us from one place to another is called as “We Go” buses.

So that brought us to the end of the 4 places in the pass and we were extremely excited and happy. We ate some subway sandwich, some burgers, and snacks. Of course we won’t get all the variety of food but I still felt that a vegetarian was justified. Our pass also had some discounts for some restaurants etc., but by the end of the day we were super tired and by the time we hit the bed it was around 1 am.

The next day we vacated the hotel and cleared the immigration to enter the USA. Here we were told that there is one particular thing which was good in the discovery pass. We opted to take only that one and paid individually. It is called as “Cave of the winds” and it is a must to do, for all the Niagara tourists. You actually walk up to the Niagara Falls, and you get drenched in the water falls above you. It’s little scary though and I wouldn’t recommend kids to go near because it can get little slippery. But we were so thankful that we tried out this thing and I really thank all the people who gave their comments in the web as they were the ones who highly recommended them. Of course we were given the coats so our clothes were not that wet, but this is a must must must thing to do if you are going to Niagara. I can’t stress enough about this.

Another ride which we took individually was the winge ride.  I forgot the name of that, but it was not worth the money. I think it was not that expensive so that’s why we took it. But I would not recommend it .The winge will take you across a river and back but there is nothing worth seeing there.

Over all I am very happy that I took the adventure pass, which is the pass to see Niagara in Canada. So if given a choice I highly recommend that you see Niagara from the Canadian side. This pass is worth the money. I also noticed that all the tourists were going towards the Canadian side and there were not so many on the American side. But you should not miss the “cave of the winds” which is only from the American side .But I also saw few construction sites in USA side, so I am sure the government is planning some good entertaininmet to attract tourists here. I wanted to go see a dam which I read was used to create electricity but due to lack of time could not make it (on the USA side)

We felt we thoroughly utilized the time here and felt it was time to go to the airport. One funny incident which I mentioned in the above para’s but forgot to say was regarding the road side assistance. So we were in the Canadian side and the next day we were checking out and about to go to USA side to see the cave of the winds as planned earlier. H kept all the luggage in the boot and then closed the boot keeping the keys inside! We didn’t have a road side assistance either. We called the AAA which was the most popular in Canada and after few minutes of waiting and feeling stupid, the guy arrived. He was a friendly person and told us that his son got admission in Texas College and he was sounding so proud and happy. Anyways, we finally got our car keys back from the boot J I have to say that Ramada plaza neither helped us nor were least customer friendly. We did loose some money on this and that too on another country but glad when we could get our keys back. After that we went on to see Niagara from the American side .We also saw Niagara lit up at night , but I think that’s little over rated as I didn’t feel anything too great about it . Still it’s worth a watch.



We were now on our way back to the buffalo airport so as to catch the flight to go to Syracuse. We reached Syracuse Hancock international airport. It was late in the night we reached there. We rented a car and it was around 11 pm or so that we reached Syracuse. We took few quick rides along the street and H was excitedly showing me around though it was past midnight. I could see that he was happy and excited to be there. We checked in at the “Comfort suites and Inn”. I was not very sure of how this hotel would be. In fact I was not even expecting much. I thought it’s just a day and let’s just crash somewhere. To our surprise it was excellent. They even provided free breakfast in the morning which I felt was superb. It was late and we were very hungry. We went to a nearby Dennis which was even walkable and thus ended the day. The next day we were all set to see Syracuse University and the neighboring areas. This university is so vast and spread across acres and acres of land. We went to the ethical department and their computer lab.Syracuse was larger than I expected. I have heard it’s a big college with rich kids. The rich students stay very close to the college. The so called hostel buildings where students stayed looked so colorful and bright unlike our image of the college hostels back in India. I saw few students partying and having good time. When you enter the college you are welcomed by a big building. This is the music hall and you have to see the architecture as it’s amazing. We parked the car in the campus and the security was kind enough to let us park near to the college when H mentioned that he was an alumina .There was some construction going on near the gym. We took few photos of those buildings as it was nostalgic for H to be there after about 8 years! I went inside the Carnegie library and was amazed by the amount of books they had .It was beautifully kept. Then we visited the hall of engineering which is also called as the link hall. This was the main corner of the electrical electronics lab and we saw few classes going on there. Saw lots of Indians students too. H showed me the phone booth which was red in color where he used to make calls to his family. I also saw the famous lab where H and his friend had done their final year project .There was also library which was called the Bird library. We took pics from this place as this was where H went after his college hour’s .There was also a Sheraton hotel next to the college campus.

There was a Starbucks coffee nearby where H admits that in the initial years he never drank any coffee to save money and after he got his internship he spent most of the time there! I have heard lots of stories about a pizza place called “Acropolis “where H and his friends used to hang out for a long long time . H took me there and I have to admit that pizza was very filling, huge and heavy. The most surprising thing was when the guy asked H “hey long time no see “and we dropped our jaw as he still remembered H after such a long time. We also went to dunkin donuts which was filled with medical and engineering students who have come not just to have coffee but also just for a chat .We bought some souvenirs from the university. I still remembered that H had a Syracuse pant which was so warm and comfortable and I wore that day after day and was sad when finally I had to throw that away when it tore off L It really did protect me a lot from the cold, when I first came to USA .The pant was expensive so we decided not to buy that. H also showed me where he stayed during the 2 years of his study. His last term home was near to a graveyard and people had asked him many times if he was scared to live there. He used to walk across the graveyard as there was a short cut to reach there from college. But rather than feeling any kind of fear he used to always say how he met people who used to come and keep flowers early in the morning for their loved ones and he used to feel very good seeing these flowers. That changed my outlook on the graveyard completely. After all they were people like us and they are missed by their families. He also showed me the flower shop next to that where people bought flowers to keep in the grave. I think this was in the east Colvin Street and he told me his room was in the second floor and the number was 1112. So that was Syracuse University. It was great to see all the places and to put a face to all the nice and fun stories which I heard about the university. We were getting slight late and we rushed to go to the airport. All that rushing was for nothing as we got stuck in the airport for about 4 hours due to heavy rains in Syracuse. We ate food from the airport and even slept for a while there as we were dead tired. We had planned a moon light dc tour the same night. We post poned that to next day and later cancelled the whole thing when we felt we have seen enough of DC.


Washington DC

We reached Regan national airport on a late evening .In Dc we had decided that we will take the hop in and hop off bus tour. We can get the tickets for that from the Union station which is in DC. We stayed in “Radisson” and I can’t talk enough about how comfortable our 3 day stay was! Everything was very well taken care of. This hotel is in Arlington, Virginia. We reached Radisson at night and after keeping all our bags there we decided to go to union station and get a feel of the place. The next day was July 4 and we had decided to see the parade which starts at around 11 30 am or so. With the help of google maps we roamed around a bit and then got back to the hotel. Dc and Arlington are well connected with subways. Our station next to the hotel was the crystal city which was In Arlington. The next day we were all set and ready to see the dc parade. We went to union station and collected the tickets for the hop in hop off dc. The bus was very useful but we also felt later that most places were of walking distance. Anyways so that particular day, that is on the July 4 we headed out to see the Independence Day parade. The parade starts from Constitution Avenue and 7 the street. We reached there early so as as to get a good spot. There were lots of people from various nationalities there and the day was sunny and bright. There were lots of people selling water, juices, sandwiches, hot dogs on the streets. We got a place near to the road and we were all set to see the parade. Contrary to all the hype, I was disappointed with what I saw in the parade. It was just a casual parade with people or rather let’s say kids and students doing some parade, gymnastics, and dancing etc. . . . There were no military display as I had expected. Anyways we were upset and we thought that may be Dc as such is hyped and there may not be anything worth a watch. There was a museum close by, but we were too tired and hungry do didn’t venture inside. I forget the name of the museum though. DC is filled with museums and buildings which has historical importance as you all may know it. I don’t remember the sequence of our visits but I will try to put down a list of all the places which we saw. Our first priority was to see the White house. We decided to take the tour. We walked all the way and then realized that white house is closed as a part of some restoration work or something like that but the lady there was nice and explained us everything. I totally felt low and really thought that our day was going wasted. We took maps from there which was helpful for navigation. We also got maps from the Washington DC tour bus and those maps were excellent. There were many lines there like red, yellow. Blue, green. Most of the places which we wanted to see were of historical importance and so we decided to choose red line. We have heard a lot about the July 4 fireworks. We have seen them in Seattle as well, but I was sure that the DC one would be a treat to our eyes. I was not wrong here. The fireworks started around say 8 pm, so that moon light was just setting in. People swarmed around the Lincoln memorial to get a good spot so that they could see fireworks without any hindrance. We got a spot on the very top and we settled down there and within minutes the big show started. It went on for about say 30 minutes and it was spectacular. I felt very happy that coming all the way to DC was totally worth it. I saw lots of people cheering for USA and there was lots of excitement in the air. After the fireworks display, people were heading back home. We stayed there for a while in the Lincoln memorial (from where we saw the fireworks) and then started walking along the crowd. There were lots of people walking with us and I felt different as if I was in India. You usually don’t get to see lots of people in Seattle and this experience alone was enriching. We reached home I think around 12 am or so. There was a Mediterranean place called kebab which runs 24/7. We decided to walk there and get some Togo food. The place was swarming with people. We ordered something vegetarian, though I heard non veg id great there as well. This place had great reviews in yelp too. We finally got the food and ate the food back in our beds enjoying the Friends episode. We slept late the next day morning and felt extremely fresh. We caught the train from crystal city to Union square in DC. We also got a free pass to see the Madame tussahs which was a part of the deal. Our first trip that day was for the US capitol. There was a security check as expected before entering the building and we were not allowed to take any food or even water. After clearing the security, we were given an audio in our hands, and also the entire group had a guide. The guide told us about the building and we saw the beauty of the paintings and architecture from inside. We also bought souvenirs from there. We were not given permission as expected to venture into all the doors there. There was tight security. We just got a coffee from inside which we had to finish it there as foods can’t be taken outside either. Our next plan was to see Madame Tussahs. We didn’t want to keep that till the last day in case we didn’t get enough time to see it. We took lots of pics here with various statues and they looked so real! One incident which I particularly remember here is that we were passing by all statues and I saw a lady who was kind of blocking our way. I was just standing there thinking she will give me way. After a while I was shocked to see that it was indeed a statue and felt amazed and stupid at myself! If you have never visited Tussahs, I think you should see this place if not here, some other place. We got free tickets so we felt this was totally worth it. Near to tussahs where a big line to see ‘house where Lincoln dies’ .There is fees to enter that house  and we decided to skip this .We were also given a free pass for a lake cruise which I thought was a sweet deal. We walked to that destination and after waiting for few minutes were in a guided cruise (recorded). I couldn’t catch much information from the recorded voice which was playing as there were a bunch of old ladies with kids who were talking about someone’s ex-lover or something and I really felt irritated. There were people who have paid for these cruise and they seemed annoyed with them as well. I almost felt like shouting at them to stop their talk but controlled my temper. The cruise was not very informative anyways and I felt this can be easily skipped if you were to pay for this from your pocket. After taking this cruise, we walked all the way to see the monuments. On our way back we saw the George Washington University which was one of the oldest colleges there .We also spotted a Wholefoods nearby and ate some very tasty sandwiches from there .It was past 5 pm then and the buses don’t shuttle then. Though I was too tired I felt that I was walking and doing a great deal of exercise and that kept me motivated. One thing which I can now confidently tell any person who is visiting DC is that, if you are interested in monuments and history, you just need to be on the Lincoln memorial or the place nearby. By this what I mean is that all the monuments are so closely located that if you are healthy and are able to walk , then it would be better to walk and see DC rather than waiting for any bus . On our way back from the cruise we decided to go to the Spy museum. We were given free tickets for this as well which was again a sweet deal. I loved this place. It had so much information on how pirates, spies evolved and some of the world famous stories of how they had tricked the cops etc. . . . I even played a game where one has to open the lock / safe with some number codes and try to get inside the case. There were lots of people trying that and they were not able to open it. I read the instructions clearly which said that we need to turn the knob clockwise and then hear the sound, note down the number and then turn the knob anticlockwise and hear the number again . I was easily able to do this and even received applause from people around me and felt proud of my accomplishment J .. I could have spent more time there but I also didn’t want to lose out on other stuffs and also H was little bored. I would say that if you are interested in knowing about counterfeit notes, spies, police, crime scene etc., this is a must stop. They also have information of how hacking is done these in internet , how can you secure a good password etc. which are very important for any person to know these days .You have to pay more for a guided  audio which we didn’t opt . We took the yellow line (I guess) which takes all the way to Arlington where we crossed a bridge which connects dc and Arlington. The bride has two gold plated / bronze plated (not sure here) horses with riders on either side .We were now heading to the Arlington Cemetery. Potomac River connects DC and Arlington. The cemetery is right across Lincoln memorial. Here also rests, john f Kennedy who was USA 35th president and his wife Jaqueline Kennedy. It is said that the late president liked that place so that that in his last trip he had mentioned that he would want to be in that place for ever. It is also the burial ground of many who lost lives in the American Civil wars and many other pre post wars. We were told that we had to climb up to see the burial ground and as we were too tired to climb a hill we decided to skip that, and paid our humble respects to the lost lives from the DC bus itself. We wanted to see the Holocaust memorial museum as well, but we had to skip that as it got closed as we reached there, just by few minutesL. We sat on the bus and the bus took us one of the most secured place on the planet - The pentagon. Of course we could only see this place from far and there was no tour on this. We were strictly told not to take any photographs and that we would be penalized as it’s a place of national security. We switched off our cameras and gladly obeyed the instructions. Then we got down at the park which had all the monuments and decided to walk from there and explore all the areas. I forget the name of the park here, but this is like a central park where you can get down and all the important monuments and in and around that park. This park is near to the Lincoln memorial and other memorials like Vietnam, Korean etc. . . . We headed straight to see the DC war memorial. It was a tomb like structure with many legs. We visited the Martin Luther king Jr memorial. Of course all the way people were taking the pics and enjoying the beauty of the buildings. Am sure an architect or a student of that field would find this place like a library in itself.  There was a rock sculpture of Martin Luther king here. We sat there for a while and this sculpture looks at a river called the tidal basin which is an extension of the Potomac River itself and I felt that evening was very beautiful. Then we went to see the Korean War memorial. Here you can see statues of soldiers standing and I felt as if they were real. I think all these memorials make you realize that people have paid a heavy price for the freedom we enjoy today and we should honor all those who sacrificed their lives for the country. It also makes you think that no matter which nationality you are, war should be condemned and people should just live happily. We also saw the Vietnam veteran memorial which had the names of people who died in the war. I saw that lots of people had kept flowers and notes, and got emotional seeing all this. The place was silent and I loved that fact that people behaved well and respected the sanctity of the place. Though we had seen the “Washington Monument “from far, it looked beautiful under the moon light and we headed there next. We were told in the DC tour bus that when this big monument was being constructed they fell lack of materials and it had to be stopped. Later when they restarted the construction they didn’t get the same color material and hence there is a difference in the color. If you look closely you can see difference in the colors. We were very glad that we came at night to see most of the monuments. It was not sunny and sweaty and we could confidently look up and see the building. I loved this particular moment as I felt it stood tall and strong amongst all the clouds! H wanted to see the Iwo Jima, but it was very late and was getting very dark. We went next to see the World war 11 memorial which was beautifully lit with fountains and also had names of all the USA states in a pillar like structure. We didn’t take our big camera with us but I also felt that such beauty of the architecture and the buildings can only be experienced. DC is well connected and people were humble and hospitable. We even got lost and police were kind enough to help us. Over all my experience was amazing and I felt that this place deserves to be the nation’s capital? There was a lot of dignity among the people and the buildings talk so much about the country’s history. The city is beautifully constructed and I salute the people who had lend their mind and body for creating such epic monuments. Next day our flight to New York was at around 9 pm or so, and we had to be there in the airport by around 6 pm or so. The one good thing which we did was that we didn’t leave anything much for the next day. We got up extremely late the next day as we were tired after all the walking which we did the previous day. After having a quick meal from a very good Indian restaurant , we wanted to take the day light and decided to just sit there in the DC bus ,enjoying the audio about each of the buildings and not getting down at all . We had already taken the red bus and seen all the places so we decided to see other areas like blue green etc. By the time we reached the union station it was around 1 pm or so, and we were enjoying the oranges in the bus. H was doing all the peeling and stuff and I was enjoying them so much. Our main idea today was to sit in the bus and listen to all the talks, or the recorded version so that we get an idea of the history. Also we were very tired and I was really not in the mood for any more walking. I think this is the day we saw the Kennedy memorial and the pentagon. After that it was around 4 pm and we decided to wind up and head back to Radisson. We had free rides to the airport and we didn’t want to be late for that ride. I have to say that DC trip was most amazing and Radisson hotel stay made it even more wonderful! We were on time for the Regan airport and we were all set for New Jersey


Newyork and jersey

We landed on the Newark jersey airport and we were greeted by H college friend. There were many terminals in that airport and was a busy place unlike what we had expected. We thought that as it was just jersey it won’t be that crowded which was totally a misconception. We were planning to stay with him and his wife at their home and they were the most graceful of guests. We were given a separate room and a bathroom and I felt that stay was the most comfortable. We reached their home and had dinner with them. She had made prawns, fish, rice and it was indeed a treat for us to eat home cooked food after such a long time. We were also excited to meet H relative who had come from India. As it was late we sat up, talked for a while and then slept around 1 am or so. The next day we got up very late and then went to meet his relative. We had lunch with her and she made some amazing food! Her daughter was also present there and we all had a fun time chatting and laughing. As it was late around say 3 pm or so, we decided to go to Princeton University which was nearby. The university was beautiful, just like most of the universities which I had seen in USA.  We walked there for a while taking pics and then had a coffee. We visited a library nearby. We also saw the battlefield through which troops had entered use. I think they were British troops. The battle field is just a plain field with American flag hosted .We decided to head back home as it was getting late for dinner . The daughter’s husband also joined us and we went to an excellent restaurant. I heard it’s a chain but the food was just mouthwatering. Even the thought of that food makes me hungry now as I write this. There was pasta, and hot dogs and lots of vegetarian stuffs on the table as we three ladies were veg and the 2 guy’s non veg. After that it was followed by a dessert. By the time we were done with that food and said goodbyes for that night it was 12 30 am and our hosts had gone to bed. We felt little bad having arrived late but we had lost our way in between and that delayed us a lot. We decided that we shall be back early the next day and spend some time with them.  The next day we got dressed early. The previous day we had rented a car and kit coasted us around 65 dollars. This day we were offered their car (from host) and so we decided to pick up H relative. We quickly made it till New York, parked our car there in some parking lot. We were directed to a place where we can find boats which takes us to the Elis Island. Yes! The plan that day was to see that island and of course statue of Liberty. We had come to New York before but saw this statue only from far. We were so hungry by then having just had some corn flakes in the morning.   I ate pizza while the others ate something Mexican. Then we had to walk a little bit and then we noticed that buses showed as” free shuttle within new York “ We quickly got into that bus and the driver was kind enough to tell us where to get down to catch the ferry . It was getting very sunny and H and I were wearing hats. Our relative didn’t get a cap from home and we did some shopping for a cap for about 5 dollars. We had to go through the security clearance to get into the boat. The boat was crowded and we decided to get to the upper most deck to get a good view of the island.  It was a beautiful ride to get to the island and I would say that if you have not seen the statute close, you need to go there once. We can also get inside the crown of the statue and we were not aware of this. By the time we knew this tickets were sold off till November! Anyways we reached the Elis Island and we were given the audio tour device which we didn’t use as we were busy taking photos and chattingJ.  We also bought souvenirs from there. The statue stool tall and it was a beautiful sight. We sat down for a while to talk and by then it was time for us to get back to the bay. We also saw Staten Island from there. last time when we had toured this place we had taken a boat trip from Staten island and saw Elis from far in the ship, It was cold and windy then and though I was excited, I didn’t enjoy that much though due to the harsh winters, I was also new to USA and still managing to deal with the winters. That time we saw the ball drop and it was an exciting experience so see that with thousands of people around you.  After getting back from the island, we walked a little to see the Peace tower. This tower was well guarded by police and there was museum inside the tower. We didn’t see the museum as we got highly emotional seeing the name of people who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks of 9, 11. We decided to grab some coffee on the way home and then headed back to have dinner with family. This time we went to a Chinese / Thai type food. The ambiance was extremely good but I felt that the food was just average. By the time headed back home it was around 12 30 am again and we couldn’t meet the hosts that day as well. We felt terribly guilty too but our hosts were so graceful and understanding. We bid goodbye to our relatives as we told them that the next day we need to spend time with the hosts. There was also another of H college friend joining us and there was going to be a get together party! H was highly excited and I could sense that he was waiting to meet all his friends  J the next day we decided to see the Empire state building and also stop somewhere to get some gifts for the hosts.  We took the bus from New Jersey all the way to New York. The bus stop was very near to their home, just walking distance only. We reached New York and after buying a metro card, took subway and reached the famous Time Square. We were extremely hungry and stopped to eat food. We ate some Chinese food which we didn’t quite enjoy but enjoyed at the thought of having food in time square. We also walked past a park which was in Time Sq. It’s called as the Bryant Park and people were having food, talking, even working. It was beautiful to be there! What can I say about Time Sq.? It’s busy, busy, busy all the time. It’s as if that lane never sleeps! I totally enjoyed the crowd, the loud music and all the tourists there! I was reminded of the time we came few years back and I didn’t enjoy the street then as it was too cold! We reached the E. state building (ESB, for my convenience). You can buy 2 set of tickets, either 82 and / or the 102 floor. We decided to see both the floors. The view upstairs was amazing. We got a good view and an idea of the entire city. We were given the audio to listen but we didn’t pay attention to it at all. I heard in the audio though that the reason why they made a stop at the 82 ND floor was that at that time of construction that is around 1931, that was one of the highest achievable architecture marvel and there was a stop created on the 82 ND floor to commemorate the marvel of that place. We stopped and took some pics from the top. Anyone looking down from the ESB, would be amazed by the number of buildings down below. Each building looked so different and was an epic by itself. We also saw the Rockefeller center from there. We were told that people go there to get a good view of the ESB. As we got a good view of New York we decided that we will skip seeing and going top of the Rockefeller center. Also we had to be back little early as the next day we were heading back and had to spend time with friends. We also saw the statue of liberty from far. We saw the central park which was beautiful sight as it was a large park in the midst of a big city.  We saw various bridges which connects New Jersey and NY and we also saw the Hudson River which flows in between them. Over all I felt that trip was well worth it. We then headed to the 102 ND floor. This is not an exposed floor and it is covered by glass from all sides. If you ask me, the trip to ESB is just a onetime thing as it coasted around 100 dollars over all just to get this view. I felt it’s not something which can do often. We took couple of pics from the 102 ND floor and we even asked the help lady standing there to tell us what each building meant. She was ready and willing to help us and with her help we figured out the river and the name of the buildings which I mentioned above. After getting down the ESB, we were walking along the Times sq. to find some shopping place to buy some stuffs. We went to some shops but we didn’t like any. Finally I found a crystal shop. We went inside and picked up an ague crystal which H found it to be very beautiful. I also got a crystal for us but it was small in size compared to the gift crystal, and much cheaper. We were glad that finally we could get something we can gift to the couple. I also enquired about the crystal and its importance and the lady there was kind enough to take time and tell me about everything. We were running short of time as we knew we had to catch up for the dinner with friends but were extremely glad with our purchase. We came to know that crystals bring good luck which was totally a new knowledge for me but am glad that they too liked the gift and were not returning it for another one. After our shopping, we decided to head back to jersey. We got lost little bit but finally ended up in the correct bus .I think that was the 114 normal bus and not the 114 express. 114 may only go via the highways but this bus was going inside all the small lanes as well. The worst part was that my cell phone battery was running out so before it completely passed away we decided that we will step down at some place and then they could pick us up from there and from there we could head to the dinner where another couple was waiting for all of us. The plan worked perfectly and finally all the 3 guys were happy to see each other.  We went to a Mexican place with loud music and full of people. We were happily chatting and laughing, taking pics and finally all of us along with my new friends (and H‘s old friends) got home to the host‘s home. We were talking late night at around 2 am or something and all of us crashed there. The next day we bid goodbye to the new couple and their beautiful daughter of about 3 years or so and then bid goodbye to the hostess. We were again alone at home and after having a quick breakfast we headed out at around 12 pm to reach New York to catch flight to San Jose.

We did reach the airport on time but the Delta flight was delayed. It was a connection flight to Minneapolis and from there to SJC. We reach Minneapolis late, again due to air traffic and we made a dash to get the next delta flight to SJC. We missed the flight and had to rebook flight to San Francisco. If the delta people would have waited at least just 10 minutes we could have made it for the sic destination . Anyways around 14 people missed their flight and the next flight to SJC was only the next day. We decided to take the flight to SFO and then drive from there to Milpitas temporary home. We were supposed to reach SJC at around 9 pm or so and that would have been picture perfect. But what is a trip worth remembering without missing a flight, and some adventure! We reached SFO at around 1 am or so which was technically the 11 th of July early morning. I remember coming to SFO airport at my first time trip to USA and that time I didn’t notice how big the airport was. It has so many terminals and there is an airbus which we need to take to reach the car rentals. By the time we got that and we reached home it was around 4 am. We were tired but happy that due to God’s grace our trip went on well. We got up the next day morning which was a Friday and H had some meeting to attend and then enjoyed the weekend exploring the new place .Now, let the new adventure begin! J

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A trip to Olympic National Park , WA


I am just back from a fantastic trip from the Olympic national park. What can I say about the park! I am not so much of a nature lover or that’s what I thought I was , but this place is really worth giving a shot even if you have just 2 days in hand , which Is what I had !. So it’s the summer time (June)with temperatures over 70 degree F and I thought I should explore the Olympics as much as I can when the time is right . I can’t bear the cold much so I don’t know if this experience would have changed if I had visited the same places in winter! The beauty about the ONP is that 101 highway circulates all around the forest and there are lots of sign boards. We got a map from the hurricane ridge visitor center which was more than enough to give us directions...So my point here is, it’s all very easy to figure out if you know where to go!

We took the 10:30 ferry from Edmonds on a Sunday morning. It was about 30 minutes’ drive from Redmond and the traffic was not that much , may be because it was a Sunday . We thought we would be getting the ferry at 11 but we reached earlier and  were the last to board the ferry! The ferry was decently crowded and even before we knew it we reached Kingston. We checked the phone app and took the road to Port Angeles. We reached Port Angeles around 11 30 am or so, and headed straight to the Asian cuisine buffet place. We had some Chinese, Thai mix food and the buffet was really huge considering that the price was only 9 dollars or so per person. After that we headed straight to the...

1)      Hurricane Ridge.

There is a visitor center in the bottom of the ridge and we stopped there to collect all the information about the same. The people were so warm and nice. We had to pay a 15 dollar fee (Includes car fee)to see the ONP(Olympic Nat park), and it was valid for 7 days and can be used at any entrance like quinolt , kaloloch , cresent , forks etc. …We paid the money and started our ride . I do not know how to describe the ride as it’s a must see! We stopped and took pics from many places. There were points were we could see Victoria, (Canada) and many other adjacent islands from far. It’s so nice to know that we could see a country from such a short distance! Then we reached the top of the hurricane ridge which was just breath taking!  It was a sunny day so the sun glazed though the mountains far by... I saw few deer’s too and lots of people having food enjoying the mountain view. The day was not windy and what can I say it was just perfect for a person like me who dislike the cold ! . I didn’t have to wear any jacket (thank goodness!). We took some pics and then we went to the visitor center at the top and bought few souvenirs …We decided to  climb a hill nearby to get a better view , but climbed only half way which I feel little disappointed now!. I had other plans for the day and I thought that may be an hour or so for the hike would mean that we would compromise seeing other places which was a big No No for me. But if you have the time and the energy I highly recommended it. People who climbed said they got a 360 degree full view, and could see Victoria, Canada and mountains from a distance and am pretty sure that it would have been a memorable view. Nevertheless this hurricane ridge is a must see!


2) Lake Crescent

We got down from the hurricane ridge and then drove through 101. We were thinking that there are many access points to see the lake. We went past few roads and a nice guy told us that there is only one access where you can get a good view and that is the lake Cresent lodge. So we drove up till the lake crescent lodge and the view was amazing. Again the sun was up high and it was warm and not windy... There were lots of children taking a bath in the warm lake and lots of people , kayaking. We went to the crescent lodge to get some soveneiers but didn’t find anything which we liked . After clicking few pics we headed to the next destination which was the sol duc falls... We were thinking of doing kayaking in the lake here but again we had  limited time, so I think that would be a great thing to do if you guys had more time in hand …


       3) Sol duc falls             

If you looked at the map you would see that it’s very easy to reach all these places as they are all accessible via the 101 (thanks to the 101 highway which is beautifully maintained). I was appreciating the efforts which the government takes to manage the whole forest and also the roads .There was a small hike, I think about a mile or so 1 way and then we reached the falls. I am scared of heights but I still couldn’t get enough of these falls...Lots of people say that it’s not that great compared to Niagara or the Snoqualmie falls . But I have not seen Niagra and have seen Snoqualmie only from far, but here was a fall where we could see from a hand reach distance and to add to my fear and excitement I was actually standing on top of the water fall...The water was falling steeply and the force with which it fell drenched my hair a little bit it but it was an amazing feeling to be so close to nature!. While we were heading back, we met a very nice old American couple and they gave us tips on where to eat etc.  and it was fun talking to them !

It was getting late around 8 30 and we still had not checked in the hotel. So we headed back , checked in and ended the day with fantastic pizza to go from “West side pizza” They are open till 11 pm , so it was perfect for us to have a nice dinner (Veggie pizza) after taking a warm shower . The crust was neither too soft nor hard and it was a perfect way to end the day having pizza and seeing a nice movie (godfather part 1) in Olympic lodge.

 The next day, we slept till late and to our luck was sunny as well. We checked out from the hotel at about 11 am.

We ate at the" first street havens" and the food was delicious .No wonder they have such good reviews in yelp! I ate an avocado sandwich and it was super! After that we headed to see the
1) Hoh rain forest

There are few trails which we can take in this forest. We took 2 trails. One was moss trail (0. 8 miles) and the other one was the spruce trail (1.3 miles). There was a Hoh river trail which was about 8 miles which we didn’t take as we thought it may be too big a walk for us. The 2 trails showed some of the oldest trees which were so huge that they covered the whole of the area. It looked to me as if they were there for thousands of years ! Luckily it was sunny day. We saw lots of plants which were growing on top of other plants. They are called as epiphytes. We covered the trails quickly but we did stop and take lots of pictures. I think twilight serial was shot here and in the forks area as we saw lots of boards saying “welcome to the twilight “ etc. …On the way back we saw the HOH river and took photos. The water was crystal clear and from the glaciers. So it was extremely cold. We washed our faces with it and instantly felt fresh...How refreshing it would be to take a bath in such fresh water every day!

2) Ruby beach

Our next destination was the ruby beach. It was just about 30 mins drive from the hot rain forest. This beach is just few minutes from the parking lot. It was nice to experience the Pacific Ocean from such a close distance. The tides were not too harsh so we could walk and play around the area… I searched in google as to which beach was better -  Ruby or the Rialto and we got mixed results . Both beaches are nice but visiting Rialto means a slight walk from parking lot (as per the yelp reviews)..As we didn’t want to go to any more beaches we skipped rialto …
We had not had our lunch. So we stopped at a Chinese restaurant in Forks. We had a nice refreshing lunch and we were deciding as to where to go next. We noticed that our petrol tank was almost exhausted and the worst part was that we couldn’t find any gas stations nearby. We found few gas stations on our way to port Angeles  but they were either closed or were not accepting the credit cards. Finally we found one (chevron) in port angels and were relived! We called up the ferry and the next ferries to Edmond were at 9 40 and the last one at 11 05 pm .We thought we shall go back to the hurricane ridge and climb the hill to get the 360 degree view which we missed the previous day . We reached the bottom of the ridge and then suddenly we noticed that the sun was going down. It was also getting chilly and going to be 7 pm! It was not worth the effort of going up the hill taking 30 mines drive and then doing a 1 hour climb to the top of the hill. Also we were in hurricane and from there we need to reach Port Angeles and then to Kingston which was about 1.5 hour’s drive . So we decided to head back. Another thing which we were concerned was if the hood canal may get closed . Hood canal is the one which we need to pass to reach Kingston. The drive in hood’s canal is about 2 mines approx. If the hood canal gets closed then we will be stuck in port angels and need to stay there another day which was not there in our plan. Thankfully for us we reached Kingston by 10 10 pm and the next ferry was at 11 05 pm. We thought we shall walk a little bit but was beginning to feel little chilly. Then we saw this crepe place. Crepes are like India doses and we have eaten there before when we came here for the lavender festival. We decided to order 2 vegetarian crepes. It was close to 6 / 7 dollars for one and was very heavy. I highly recommend these crepes to an one coming to Kingston. This place is close to the ferry (in fact walkable distance) .By the time we had the crepes, it was about 10 50 pm and was boarding time. We reached Edmonds after 30 mines ferry and reached home around 12 15 pm.


All in all it was a fantastic trip and I  felt I was in nature's lap .I have not met any one who had been to this national park and disliked the experience . Of course there are many places to see in ONP, but I think given the 2 days’ time we saw maximum number of places and ate in some of the awesome restaurantsJ. I hope my trip review helps people who are looking to see the ONP in may be 2 days time .Have a nice time guys J, you won’t regret it but just plan where you need to go as ONP is spread for miles and miles so just pick the places you want to see or things you want to do . Also keep in mid to fill the petrol as soon as you see a gas station and don’t wait till it dries up! Have a safe trip