Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Swimming : my journey !

There are some days in your life where you just want to shout at the top of your voice and say "oh my god! i made it " !!! today is one such day for me ... 28 th feb 2012 !!!
well ,i learnt to swim !!!!! oh my god! i  know swimming now !!!

i have been gleeing ever since i came from pool today , and i just cant contain my excitement ! yieppeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!i was really never  sure if i could ever swim ! ... but when i got into the water today  , i was able to some how manage without a tube / board , and then within minutes i realised even without my own knowledge that i was "actually " not depending on the board / tube...i was gleeing away to glory !... All these days i was going on checking you tube ,watching and  listening to what people were telling  about their swimming experiences , and wondered will a day ever come for me , where i would actually swim !!!
Well , to all the people who knows swimming and who are reading this , i hope u understand how i feel now , because am sure even u felt the same like how i feel now , when u first conquered the water ! Conquer sounds so bossy !, well i just loveeeeee water !
and to those people who are yet learning , guys ! believe me ... if u feel its tough and u are not getting it , its okay ! some people take a bit more time than others (like how i did ! )

Considering my weight and my age (both of which i cant disclose here ), i really did  take a  good number of days ...and I took so many gaps in between where i have never been to a pool , as i was so fed up "trying "!!. i got bored ! i got so bored going there every single day and then just trying to just float in water / trying to twist my body and i was like "will i EVER do this "  ??

i still remember my 1 st day (unfortunately it was many months back and hence i don't remember the date), where i was so scared of water and i was just standing on the pool . i stood there , and i noticed even the tiny tots playing and dashing in the water and i was so scared . i was scared that i would drown .. i was scared that i could never put my head inside the water .i remember my dad and mom trying to teach me(when i was a kid) and i used to scream and scream . i was  so afraid of water !.
Well,  i had to begin some where ! , hence i remember just putting my head inside the water and just "feeling the water " and i guess i was just trying to be friendly with the water.

Its true when people say "All  things are difficult before they are easy "...As a week progressed i was more confident in the water - "walking "! .. and then came the big leap -" the float ".. Well i really really dont know how many days i took to learn this . i remember my gym here , giving 5 days(30 minutes daily ) training and i had a free coupon and hence i joined there . Along with a friend ,  few strangers , i was there in the water with the trainer . It taught me one thing . I can get tips from a trainer / you tube , but its just one thing " Practice Practice , Practice " . Its all about practice and how much of dedicated time we can put to it ( Is everything in the world not like that ??? )...I was the only student in her class who didn't know how to float . So my 5 days of training was more of observing others .I practiced later after her class got over and finally some how learnt to float . i was so happy then,  i can still remember !.I was going on telling each and everybody i knew "hey i can float " "u know what, i can float "!!!hehe!!

In my class the rest of the 4 days of the 5 days class just went with me trying to do a "back float "/ rather observing others , because every one else in the class was better than me ... i was just standing there and doing nothing ! but hey i was not dejected . i was so sure that "ok, i don't know this , but am sure i will learn this one day !!" i understood that a trainer can just tell you / show u , but its us who needs to practice ...
From then on , for many days i tried doing the back float which even today am a little scared of doing . I finally thought " ok move on ", " move on to the next step" , which was trying to twist the body inside the water ..I would like to really really thank  all the people who posted in you tube the swimming techniques and various talks, because i have seen many of them and was always trying to practice like how they were doing it !..

After the body twist , and the hand movements ,came the breathing ..I was ok with this as long as i had a board / tube to help me with . I tried this for many days , and then some days (i have to be sincere , here ).. i just got so fed up !.. i was fed up of trying .Thirty minutes was all i used to spend in swimming and that thirty minutes i began to get bored ! Bored of trying and in fact grew so bored that i stopped trying altogeher !. i did work outs like tread mill and elliptical  but i didnt go to the pool at all , for days / rather i would say months ... and then when i thought that it was time for me to get into the water , i did -with all the enthusiasm and happiness and with all the excitement !!and then the biggest realisation came ! oh god! i had missed the pool !.. i was so happy to be back in the water again ! i realised that day how much i had missed swimming !.

I learnt some thing very important that day !.. We should be really passionate about what we do ! it can make a lot of difference . Initially my aim was just to "learn swim ".. i was doing this with all my body and soul , but i was aiming for the target . i forgot that "Rome is not built in a day ". When i began to get passionate about swimming , that is when it made the whole difference . i was really really enjoying my experience just by being in the water ! . i just totally loved it ! From that day on ,(though it was there at the back of my mind that i need to learn swimming ) , i was never under any pressure . i just began enjoying the days in the pool . The struggle with the water was over and i was just going with the flow !. After a lots of trials , with the side twist , the breating etc .. today .. Viola !  i am  blogging !

To all the people who are in their initial  days of their swim , always remember that your body weight or age can delay you but it can never suppress your passion and your will power . And try and try , we must ! . Its okay to take extra days / even months , but you bet , you will definitely get it one day ! Its good to turn your mind and body to some other sports too , if you get bored etc ..The break can do you good .There is no point in going to the pool feeling sad and dejected that "when will i EVER get it "!..Rather , just enjoy the "process " . i cherish the days  when i learnt the "swimming process " ..
am sure when you too will get the hang of it , you too will cherish these days ...
All the very best  newbies ! , and enjoy the ride ! Believe me , its totally worth it !


Prasanth R Krishnan said...

Inspiring, motivating, and thought-provoking :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful write up Manj :)) Loved every line of it... excellent
spirit.. it is applicable to all aspects of our lives...
and Congrats that u know swimming now.. u have inspired me to learn swimming!!!
Loads of Luv,