Thursday, May 27, 2010

realisations on facing death ...

i was in pg one day and just had this instinct to call up my friend who got married recently .With so much excitement i called up and her hubby sadly informed me that day before , her dad had passed away in a train accident . This was too much for me to handle , as i felt i knew her dad so closely . There was never a single day when she didn't tell me about how special her dad was for her .

how often we hear a train accident a plane crash , a car accident to some one near or far . we hear , we think, we pity , and then we just forget ; because we just dnt have "time " Who is the master of 'Time " ? or have we become slaves of the same ?

she saw a terrifying dream and woke up in horror and was so happy that she was still alive ! GOD ! what a horrible night mare ..
she ran and ran , toppled down the stars and finally a bullet shot her ! she was dripping in blood and breathing her last ...She felt sad . She wished she had some more time with her , there were so many things she wanted to achieve and now "no time "!
she got up in shudder ! thank God thank god she was alive and well . thank god it was just a dream . She stayed awake the whole night thinking about that bullet shot and the terryfing moments closer to death, till it dawned !

What if this would have been real . How terrifying is that one minute when u know that u are going to be in this world for just 'some more minutes "and u could hear the clock ticking away !. she wondered about the car accidents, the train mishaps and the plane crashes.. would they have gone through this fear ?the last one minute when they came face to face with death !

she lay awake in her bed thinking about her dreams and her wish lists .. she wanted to marry , have kids , cook , and invite her friends for a party . She was planning to go biking , trekking , learn swimming, yoga etc etc her wish list was end less ! she had some plans for her parents and her sister . When was the last time she talked to them in a nice way , without taking on the job frustrations on them ?
there were so many things which she wanted to do , and what if the time was too short .what could she have done ?. she would just pray , just pray GOD to give her some more time on this earth ... pray pray so hard that GOD had to listen to her ! But does life always gives every one a second chance ?
Next day morning , some how seemed very beautiful to her . She stopped grumbling , but opened her windows and embraced the cold winds which flew past her face . She saw a birds nest and sat gazing at it for a long time !She enjoyed her cup of tea then she slowly got ready , and went humming on her way to office .
Some how ,today she did not feel like hurrying .She took time to greet people around ,gave a smile and even gave a pat to few of her junior colleagues ! They all gave her a look of surprise ! After all she was a manager , and when was the last time she just enjoyed dressing up , wearing a nice salwar , hummed a beautiful romantic melody and walked past her corridors ! well , looks like in college .. those years where life only meant one thing - have fun !enjoy life !

She began her daily work in office and thought , how much she has changed . Now life was just full of frustrations and tensions , keeping up with dead lines,meetings . She remembered her final year in college where all had worked so hard to get a job to keep the life going ...Now , did the work keep the life going ??she wondered !.She had so many lovely moments in college to cherish and when she looked back at the past 5 years till date, she could not even trace any ! Had she totally wasted her 5 beautiful years just doing nothing but work !

The day went well and she was calm and relaxed She never thought her smile could be so contagious and could make the work place so good !.Some how she felt so good.. On the way back home , she met her dear friend who was talking about a loan which he had not got sanctioned . She wondered if the issue was really so big as much as he thinks .He was so much on the verge of a nervous attack , totally down , and her presence nor her counselling did him any good . She always thought of him as a very lucky person ; with his envious job, loving wife ,2 little kids and hoped that one day she too could craft a perfect family for herself too ..She left him, promising and assuring him that she would definitely help him and his family .

As she said her prayers at night before she fell asleep , she thanked god for all the goodness she was blessed with . She smiled when she secretly hoped that the same nightmare should strike her friend today .
"hey has some one prayed that a night mare like this should happen to me " this was her last thoughts before she feel asleep !

i guess in this busy life we do need a bad nightmare ,now and then , to count the blessings how ever big or small GOD has bestowed on us . To make us realise that we have many miles to go before we sleep and life is so precious ! make most use of every single day !


Prasanth R Krishnan said...

v good one....the theme, though quite familiar, has been presented well....u have 'slowed' down considerably. :) sm minor glitches remain,...keep blogging!

Beautiful spirit said...

I strongly believe dreams and visions lead us and guide us in our lives. According to the bible its says its a method of communication between God and people. So don't ever ignore them!

Unknown said...

Great story-telling style and that too having vision and lessons !!
You have really become a writer yaar.I am serious.Now even i am sitting idle and comapny has given me work from home till the time i am not assigned to a project.I think i should also start something creative like this.But what........?hmmmmmmmm........I think a blog addressing social issues,country issues and encouraging people to make a difference.

Sujesh Menon said...

One who has faced death or seen one closely knows more about life that he who has lived a hundred years... Nice one hamari... I have more than once sat down to write about death but then havent finished it...