Saturday, May 29, 2010

why is life such a struggle ?

why is life always such a struggle ?
when we were kids we had to strive so hard because we were told that we need to get in good schools.. When we play or watch a tv show for long , the words of wisdom from parents , teachers relatives "u need to study , dnt waste time "!!! .. ok sorry
not to forget the bugging neighbours ! they have to interfere u know their birthright !.
once in school, time and again the trauma of boards and getting into good colleges... we are send to tuition's, coaching classes and what not ! Patel sir's kid has gotten into a good engineering college , u need to get into a very good college beta ! Advice from all , which seemed more compelling than gita upadesh "study , word hard, only then can u get into good college..dont waste time hanging with friends , or going for useless movies " once in college , ofcourse who can ever forget the karate-kumphu we need to do to get those stress interviews, group discussions right !..and then finally we are in a job , we need to learn new things to keep up with others in work and to keep the managers happy , but surely- to have the work in hand '! after all "logon ki kami nai hein yahan pe " and u need to be really smart !
then comes the challenges in life like marriages , kids financial issues etc etc , were we run behind all this, one after the other .
"shadi karo beta , ur time is passing by" ... of course there will always be a Patel's sir's son or mishra ji's daughther to be compared with !
"have kids- its been 2 years since u guys are married "- "married life teek hein na ' koi problem to nai .. how come no kids ! Questions , questions !!! pressure from all sides, after all neighbours and relatives do contribute to the maximum "its time u had kids " their final verdict .
and u raise the kids with all the tensions starting from a diaper to school , to marriage ;then their kids " and hey !!! u are already running in Ur fifties !!
u are stuck with some , if not all - medical complications ..then again u play the cat and mouse game with life ! trying maximum to cope up with middle age, and how do u end up as!! i guess may be like another Patel sir who may tell the youngster's "hey ..hurry ..time... bla blah blah " ..the vicious cycle continues....
why is life such a big struggle ?? starting from the day one u r born , be ready , u have fallen in this race .
well , can u blame the parents? ..after all , parents always want the best for their kids and hence the pressure .
well.cant blame the society either .With the population rising exponentially , we all have to strive for the best ...after all Darwin has left his popular "survival of the fittest " mantra for all of us which we shall knowingly or unknowingly grip us till our grave.
I guess the bitter fact is , no one is to be blamed for all this . This is where the human evolution with all its goodness(and of course the negatives) have left each and every one of us . True but u really cant blame any one...u just have to go with the flow...
So yes, life is a struggle and will always be . To live each day can get challenging for many .but hey !
its never too late to make good memories . we try so hard to give our children the best of everything forgetting our sorrows and miseries , but do not forget one thing ; its ur life too. As u and i too know ,
time waits for no one .
Was there a place which u always wanted to go and u never could till date ? Was there a piano or a guitar class which u were waiting to join in ur childhood ? Was there a book or a sport which u wanted to take up which u had post poned due to lack of time ? Time ; u do not have it today and u surely will not have it tomorrow . Go ahead, fulfill ur dreams and make beautiful memories .
Do not forget to live.


Sujesh Menon said...

Simple and nice hamari... Life sure is a struggle and it would mean nothing without it. But yes unlike other creatures on planet earth we are blessed with that faculty of thinking, and so how much of the struggle we let affect ourselves is within our hands... For eg, we need not give a damn to a Patel sir who knows nothing about our struggle and we can restrain from being a Patel sir ourselves!
The moment struggle ends, we cease to exist...

manjusha said...

s , u r so rite ! that is exactly my point ...:)