Wednesday, May 19, 2010

hey wowo!!! FREE space to write !!!
it feels so good to get a space like this to express your thoughts , and am so much charged up and so excited that sadly words fail to come ~! ..How did this title "expresso" come up ?? Well , its funny actually . I was planning to start a blog and suddenly thought of a word which best describes my character ; my friends call me express !!! hahah , just like an express i walk, talk, in fact have bumped into (and some have actully fallen ) so many people in life .hey hello wake up ! am not talking about love here , all am saying is that is how this name came ; in hostel corridors many called me "minal" wa ma minall !! so may be tht's it or may be i may change the title later too ! confused !!! well yes guess i am confused , i take lots of time to decide and then things go round and round , but i must say , its ok to get confused but think ! unless a person thinks about all the pros and cons , how will he ever get confused , bz getting confused shows u r thinking and wait ! forget it ,, bz am really confused now mmm... Well this is a typical characteristics of Aries as said by linda goodman's astrology book ! and also by margrett mischelle's "Gone with the wind ". But am not an aries , am a taurus . In fact i call my self a declared taurean . Why so ? well may be because am a cusp and i know that virgos and taurus gel the best in marriage :) Well , i just read this blog my self now after i published and thot " Wat the crap '!!! who on earth would ever even feel like reading this !!! its just so random so confusing so very bad , i would say !!! but hey thts ok ..:) Remember i told u in the 1 st line u see am excited and u r meant to be like this when excited - totally out of speech out of world !! and this is just my introductory blog , u see , where am telling u guys about my self and i just loveeeeeeee talking about my self , i can go on and on fact i have created the history where my family my friends my dilbar , have been put asleep with my so called "chit chats" (a small talk) so tht's ok .and in my campus interview u always have this question "tell me about urself ". We have rehersed this so much from the 2nd year of engineering college , so when this question was put to me .. i jumped into action and in fact almost brought out my janam patrika (my horoscope ) with so much happiness that the interviewer glared at me (oh god! how stupid i was ! thank god he didnt say "get out " ) and there was another guy sitting near him to take my stress interview and now to think of it sadly i feel i had him stressed out !!! i love myself the most and of course sabko apni apni pasand hoti hi hein (all have their likes dislikes) .Every person is so unique in this world and i love studying about people .. There is no good or bad person on this planet .. its all by what u think that matters .., its just the chemistry which binds u together with ur family friends or with ur husband wife kids etc etc . dnt u think so ?? Well i feel i have written so much already about me so much ...and who is interested to know about me anyways !!! u see , in these situations as you are now , ; if some one wrote a blog and it talked blag blah blah about them selves will i be interested .. hmm think think ..well genuinely a big NO ... exactly !! so why would i ever think that on a topic like "about me " some one would spend their time ? thts ok .. am totally ok ..but hey watch out for this blog ..its just purely my feelings ... and all the very best to u readers .. :) am so happy today to get my free space to write ..i really need to thank google and my destiny for giving me this Free time too to make a mark on net !!! :) H4 ki jai ho !!! for the time being its just that "my dil bole hadippa !!! " hehe :)


Prasanth R Krishnan said...

Good one...bit confusing though! Happy blogging!

Unknown said...

true Manju...u r an express..!!!No other word suits for the title...wise decision..n i must say... whatever i heard abt u are true...can feel d speed of ur thoughts wen one goes thru tis..u r a rare piece..hehe

Anil Kumar Nanda said...


shubha said...

good one :)

Anil Kumar Nanda said...

ok .. its a good to begin with .. go ahead and surprise us with ur writing skills ?:)

pradeep said...

Keep writing Manju...It's nice to read and know your feelings and thoughts..Happy blogging!!

Unknown said...

Hey, I hope u got a bit rlaxed after writing this.Anyway keep doing this...All best and Enjoy H4..hehehe

Beautiful spirit said...

Hey I totally understand your emotions as you write this. Exciting nah? to have one place in this world were no one would judge you but your own consciousness. Keep writing, learn about yourself while you write - this is my greatest piece of advice i can give you. Love ya!

manjusha said...

this is my 1 st blog and am thrilled with all ur comments .. thx so much guys for taking time ! :)

dha said...

Enjoyyy, Manju! We are all with you.. ;) (atleast to throw tomatoes, eggs wenever/werever necessary.. juz kidding.. write to ur heart's content)